【S.T.F Experts in various Skills / 第1回】

〈S.T.F Experts in various Skills〉
@S.T.F Digital Transformation Center

2月22日、23日に弊社主催のS.T.F Experts in various SkillsがDigital Transformation Centerにて開催されました。

本セミナーは〈ハイレベルなアナログ技工にデジタルを組み合わせる事〉を コンセプトにした全6回のコースです。


本セミナーでは、強固なパートナーシップを築くために不可欠な 「知識」と「技術」 を総合的に学べるカリキュラムにしております。



【講師:長谷川篤史先生 / Organ Dental Lab 株式会社】




-各顎機能データをexocad へのコンバート。ソフトウエア実習(ゼブリス、キャディアックス)



長谷川 篤史先生、ご参加いただきました皆様、誠にありがとうございました!



On February 22nd and 23rd, our company hosted the “S.T.F Experts in Various Skills” seminar at the Digital Transformation Center.
This seminar is a six-session course designed with the concept of “combining high-level analog techniques with digital technology.”
Each session features specialized instructors, including our own Mr. Fujimatsu, who provide practical, hands-on guidance on techniques that can be applied in clinical practice immediately.
To meet the treatment demands of dentists, it is essential to possess both technical skills and knowledge that can accommodate various requirements.
This seminar offers a comprehensive curriculum aimed at fostering strong professional partnerships through the acquisition of both “knowledge and techniques.”
Session 1: Occlusion
INSTRUCTOR: Dt. Atsushi Hasegawa / Organ Dental Lab Co., Ltd.

– Presentation
“Jaw Movement and jaw function measurement devices”
– Hands-on experience in data acquisition (Zebris, CADIAX)
– Practical training on digital and analog facebow registration (Zebris, CADIAX)
– Software training on the use of various jaw function measurement devices (Zebris, CADIAX)
– Conversion of jaw function data to exocad (Software training using Zebris, CADIAX)

INSTRUCTOR: Takeshi Fujimatsu
– Presentation
“Errors in Bite Data from IOS Scans”
We sincerely appreciate Dt. Atsushi Hasegawa and all participants for their valuable contributions to the seminar.



